About RHDC
The Regional health development centres were created to ensure sustainability of results, technical knowledge and experience accumulated during the phase of highly successful implementation of many regional projects. Although all programs and projects of SEEHN were of regional nature, coordination and management of activities in the region were carried out from the central office of a regional project in one leader country, which became leader in one area thanking to many years of experience in one field. The country became a centre of expertise and knowledge and thereby acquired the condition to become Regional centre for health development in own area.
RHDC, as the heirs of the project leaders and centres of expertise in a particular field, play a coordinating role in the implementation of technical activities in implementation of the programs, projects and activities, followed by a role in the harmonization of standards and guidelines in this particular area, promotion of health policy and priorities of SEEHN, analysis and exchange of information, conducting research, and the development of regional strategies and best practices.
The decision of establishing of the Regional health development centres in member countries of SEEHN was made at the 25th meeting held in Sofia, Bulgaria (16 – 18 June 2011). Memorandum of Understanding provides that RHDC may be new or already existing institutions or institutions in a Member State which has activities in a specific technical area.
The following Regional Health Development Centres have been established so far:
1. RHDC on Communicable Disease in Tirana, Albania
2. RHDC for Mental Health in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. RHDC on Antibiotic Resistance in Sofia, Bulgaria
4. RHDC on Human Organ and Transplant Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia
5. RHDC on Human Resources in Health Development in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
6. RHDC on Blood Safety in Oradea, Romania
7. RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement on Health Care in Belgrade, Serbia
8. RHDC on Public Health Services, Skopje, Macedonia
9. RHDC on Cronic non-communicable diseases, Podgorica, Montenegro
RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Care in Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Ministry of Health sent a request to the SEEHN for establishing a Regional Health Development Centre on Accreditation and continuous quality improvement of health care in Belgrade, as part of the Agency for Accreditation of Health Care Institutions in Serbia, based on the leading role of the Agency in the region on that topic, as well as already informally established bilateral and regional cooperation.
At its 25th Meeting, held on June 16 – 18, 2011 in Sofia, Bulgaria, presented by the representatives of all country members, the SEEHN endorsed Decision on establishing RHDC on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Care in Belgrade, Serbia.
By the Conclusion 05 No. 02-9/2012 on January 12th 2012, Serbian Government approved establishment of the Regional Health Development Centre of the SEE Health Network on Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement of Health Care within the Agency for Accreditation of Health Care Institutions of Serbia.